Posts By
Peter McIntosh

Curious Planeteer working to make the Earth's changes visible, accessible and actionable.

Analysis-ready Mosaics: Introducing Surface Reflectance Basemaps


In a previous post, Alan introduced our Surface Reflectance imagery, an exciting product that delivers an accurate picture of what’s happening on the ground. By accounting for the effects of the atmosphere, sensor characteristics, and incident solar radiation, we aim to provide as near as possible to true reflectance of the Earth’s […]

Trial Offer: Try Planet’s Automated Basemaps


For a limited time, Planet’s offering up a trial of our Timelapse Basemaps web service. Planet’s Automated Timelapse Basemaps represent a specific window in time, either quarterly or monthly. All imagery included in these mosaicked basemaps is taken from that selected time frame, processed in the cloud, and served up on the […]

Web Service Basemaps: Easy, Accessible and Timely


With our recent, launch of 88 Flock 3p satellites, we’re on the cusp of bringing down terabytes of imagery data a day. The next big challenge is to make that data accessible—to make it usable and consumable on the web. One of the easiest ways to consume our data is via a […]