
How Planet Makes Inclusion a Daily Practice


Over the past few years, diversity and inclusion in the workplace has moved from niche, issues-oriented topics to mainstream discourse. As someone who has worked in the space, it is a welcome change. But as with anything that generates buzz, the hard work begins when companies translate value statements into concrete action. […]

On Earth Day, More Eyes on Our Planet


In 1969, a well blew out off the coast of Santa Barbara, California. Miles of beaches, filled with animal and human life covered in oily sludge, captivated public interest and galvanized the local community to take action. One year later, in part through the efforts of the Santa Barbara community, we celebrated […]

We’ve Miniaturized. Now It’s Time to Mega-size.


Last fall, Planet completed Mission 1: imaging the Earth’s entire landmass every single day. It was a landmark achievement and a first in the history of humanity. But the big question on everyone’s minds since has been, Now what? We’ve kept intentionally quiet over the past few months, but today, we’re ready […]

Tracking Harvey, the Once-in-a-Millennium Storm


Hurricane Harvey may have faded from view, but we’re just beginning to understand how historic it really was. A new report from the National Hurricane Center, concludes that Harvey broke the record for the most rainfall from a tropical system – 50+ inches – and ranks as the second costliest storm in the […]

More Sats. More Science.


This past week, nearly 25,000 scientists, students, and professionals gathered in New Orleans, Louisiana for the largest Earth and space science meeting in the world – the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. This annual conference brings together the best and brightest minds in pursuit of high quality science, knowledge and a […]

Slingshot Aerospace Maps Flooded Areas following Hurricane Harvey


When Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Houston earlier this month, Slingshot Aerospace, a Planet Application Developer Program partner, leapt into action. Working with Team Rubicon and the BAE Systems Geospatial eXploitation Products™ (GXP®), Slingshot was able to use its flood detection algorithms on up-to-date satellite imagery to determine the extent of the […]

Adding Time to Mapping, Finally


All the way back in 2005, as our 6-person team was preparing to launch Google Maps, we were starting to look at what we would do after the product was launched. The roadmap I had started out with (in late 2002) was clear enough: start out with a high quality interactive 2D […]

In the Moon’s Shadow: Grand Teton National Park


Last month I had the privilege of watching the North American total solar eclipse with some current and former Planet employees from my family’s home in Payette Idaho; which happened to be right in the path of totality. Don’t worry, that telescope had a solar filter! Image: Chandler Abraham</font size= “-1”>While Planeteers […]