
Planet Releases Boundless Staccato and Stratus Under Open Source License


Planet acquired St. Louis-based geospatial software solutions company Boundless earlier this year, and today we are excited to announce that we are open-sourcing two key Boundless code bases, freeing the projects to evolve with their communities. The first of these is Staccato, a Java-based catalog that implements the SpatioTemporal Asset  Catalog (STAC) […]

Scientists Use Planet Data to Examine Cause of Palu Valley Landslides


On September 28, 2018, a destructive magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The strength and stiffness of the soil decreased dramatically due to the shaking of the great quake, turning it from a solid to a liquid in one of the most dramatic soil liquefaction events ever recorded, leading to destructive […]

Planet Announces More Spectral Bands, 50 cm Resolution, Global Analytics, and Change Detection


This morning at our Explore 19 conference, Planet co-founder and CEO Will Marshall unveiled the latest product announcements that customers can look forward to in the next year. Planet Monitoring Will announced new capabilities for Next-Generation PlanetScope, our flagship monitoring solution powered by the latest iteration of our Dove satellite called SuperDove. […]

What is Rapid Revisit and Why Does it Matter?


Rapid revisit is a qualitative term used in satellite monitoring to describe the ability of the system to make repeated image captures separated by short time intervals. This implies both that the constellation can respond at short notice to collect a target without waiting days for the satellites to pass overhead, and […]

The Countdown to Planet’s Explore 19 Conference is On


We’re five weeks away from Explore 19, our first-ever user conference taking place at Mission Bay Conference Center in San Francisco on October 15th and 16th. Our goal is to bring our vibrant community of customers, partners, end users, developers and thought leaders together to share knowledge and network through a combination […]

B14: The Cubesat with One of the World’s Fastest Satellite Radios


Agile aerospace supports rapid prototyping, continuous iteration, and adaptation of the latest commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology—and our Build 14 Dove (B14) is agile aerospace at its finest. What’s under the hood? We’ve had more than a few inquiries and want to share some of the latest updates. Planet’s Build 14 Dove includes the […]

Planet Experts Discuss Future of Analysis Ready Data at 2019 ARD Workshop


Last week Planet engineers helped organize the Analysis Ready Data (ARD) Research Workshop in Menlo Park, California, an event where great minds met to tackle the burning topic of how to make ARD operational in 2019. The event’s purpose was to educate and create collaborations across various industries, including data analytics providers, […]

How Satellite Imagery Can Help Predict Volcanic Eruptions


Recently, the Ubinas volcano erupted in Peru, leading to the evacuation of thousands due to explosions and ash. And earlier this month, the Stromboli eruption killed one hiker and caused vegetation to catch fire. Both instances are a sobering reminder that volcanic activity can wreak havoc on surrounding areas. But while it’s […]

Agtech Startups Continue to Scale Globally with Planet Imagery


The key to a startup’s success is growth. To achieve that, you need a foundation that is scalable. Planet’s constellation of Earth-observation satellites is imaging the entire Earth every day, unlocking unlimited potential and providing the needed foundation for agricultural technology (agtech) startups. The agtech sector is showing continued momentum in 2019, […]

How Satellites Can Help Remote Farmers Gain Access to Finance


Farmers need access to finance to invest in their farms, boost yields and income, and protect their growing business. However, when it comes to agriculture, financial institutions are often far from the customers they serve. And the more remote the farmer, the more remote their chances of getting the loans and insurance […]