Guten Tag, Intergeo 2017
Our second-largest office is in the heart of Berlin, and Intergeo 2017—one of Europe’s largest Geospatial events—is just a hop, skip, and a jump away from our front door. If you’re one of the 17,000+ people attending this year, be sure to visit Team Planet at Booth B3.030, where we’ll be showcasing three of our premier offerings:
- FREE Monitoring Trial: gain access to an area of interest of your choice, and monitor up-to-daily change for 14 days
- FREE Basemaps Trial: Explore Planet’s quarterly and monthly Automated Timelapse Basemaps, perfect for mapping purposes
- FREE High Res Samples: Sub-meter SkySat data is now available via the Planet API. Test the data out for yourself—download free imagery sample packs
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