Planet Pulse

Introducing Planet Publications

Planet imagery, used in Jakob Steiner's research, to continually map a lake over numerous months while it grows © 2017, Planet Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved.News

In April, 2017, Planet launched its Education and Research Program, which enables scientists and researchers at universities to apply for non-commercial access to up to 10,000 km2 of data per month. In less than a year, more than 1,400 scientists and researchers across more than 70 countries have come onboard, leveraging Planet’s data for cutting-edge science that’s changing how we understand our planet. Today, we’re launching Planet Publications, the destination for tracking and sharing scientific discoveries made by the Education and Research Community, with the goal of inspiring future research. A perfect example is Jakob Steiner, a PhD candidate in glaciology at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Steiner studies glaciers in the high mountains of Nepal and Pakistan, where he focuses on glacial runoff and the risks posed to downstream communities. Planet data helped Steiner get a closer look at the Khurdopin Glacier in Pakistan, where his local partners had recently been conducting field work.

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