Learn how satellite technology can be used to address illegal logging and help ensure compliance with regulations. Illegal logging presents a major global environmental challenge. This unlawful activity contributes significantly to deforestation, biodiversity loss, and climate change. Since forestry crime…...
Monitoring the pulse of our planet with daily news and imagery, stories, and tech updates.
This year was transformative for the space industry. We saw meteoric growth in the number of rocket launches, Earth imaging satellites capturing photos of our planet in unbelievable detail, awe-inspiring new datasets expanding our knowledge of Earth from space, and…
CONTINUE READINGPelican-2 Is Equipped with the NVIDIA Jetson Platform and NASA CSP Satellite-to-Satellite Communications to Speed Data Delivery for Customers SAN FRANCISCO, December 9, 2024—Planet Labs PBC (NYSE:PL), a leading provider of daily Earth data and insights, today announced that its…
CONTINUE READINGLearn how Planet satellite imagery allows agencies to identify and track land use changes at scale. Governments worldwide face the daunting task of tracking land use changes, such as sprawling urban development, shifts in agricultural practices, and criminal misuse of…
CONTINUE READINGMay marks the start of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage (AAPI) Month and to celebrate and show our support for this community, we’re engaging in these self-guided learning opportunities throughout the month. Join us! Sunday, May 2, 2021 Taiwan Philharmonic, the National Symphony Orchestra – The Los Angeles County Museum of […]
CONTINUE READINGAs the world continues to recover from a historic pandemic, there is a growing awareness in government and industry that new, innovative solutions are needed to protect natural resources and create more effective policy for economic growth. Transparency and reliable decision-making are imperative in this effort to renew public confidence and restore […]
CONTINUE READINGPlanet has built an incredibly capable cloud-native processing infrastructure to take our raw imagery and turn it into refined imagery, analysis ready data (ARD), and analytic feeds so that it can be easily incorporated into our customers and users workflows. Many of the key pieces we built ourselves, but our system would not be possible […]
CONTINUE READINGIt’s with great pleasure that we announce Robert Cardillo has joined Planet Federal as Chief Strategist and Chairman of the Board. Robert will be responsible for supporting strategic decision-making for future products and services that align with mission needs of the U.S. Government, driving meaningful partnerships, and increasing the utility of commercial […]
CONTINUE READINGThrough an agreement with NASA and their Commercial SmallSat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program, access to Planet imagery is available to all NASA-funded researchers. Taking advantage of the high cadence of PlanetScope and the high resolution of SkySat, these researchers have utilized Planet imagery to understand dynamic processes on Earth. The cryosphere—frozen areas […]