Planet Pulse

Science Applications of Planet Data Presented at EGU 2022

Image of iceberg A68 breaking off of Antarctica taken November 29, 2020. © 2020, Planet Labs PBC. All Rights Reserved.Stories

This week is the annual European Geosciences Union General Assembly, where researchers from around the world gather to present the latest work in Earth science. We’re always thrilled to see what the community does using Planet data through our Science Programs to help understand our changing world! EGU runs in-person this week in Vienna, as well as virtually, so you can check out the presentations from wherever you happen to be located.

Here are just a few of the presentations happening this week where scientists used Planet data in their research:

  • Jogscha Abderhalden and Irina Rogozhina of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology utilized PlanetScope imagery to automatically track glacial lake outburst floods—destructive events that can cause significant damage to infrastructure and loss of life.
  • A team led by Nathasha Lucas of the British Antarctic Survey investigated the wide-ranging impacts of glaciers breaking off of Antarctica with SkySat imagery.
  • Researchers led by Evangelos Dosiadis at the Harokopio University of Athens mapped out urban green spaces with PlanetScope imagery. Urban green spaces play a role in both public health and protecting local environments.

You can view the entire program for the EGU General Assembly online. Be sure to check out the talks and/or posters mentioned here, and browse the schedule for more amazing science in the works that will help us better understand our ever-evolving Earth. If you are interested in using Planet data in your research, check out our Science Programs to see which access pathways might work best for you.

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