San Francisco, October 22, 2015

3D Blog Posts

Rocket Launch Trends Roaring into the 2020s


It’s never been easier to launch satellites into space, and things are only getting better for satellite operators. A multitude of launch vehicles and orbits are available to satellite missions ranging from Kickstarter-funded garage efforts to serious commercial endeavours. Today, we’re recapping some of the most important launch trends of the last […]

Planet Imagery Available to Cesium Community


Cesium, the open-sourced 3D mapping software, is well-known within the aerospace community. At Planet, you’ll often see our on-orbit flocks, visualized in Cesium, speeding around the globe in real-time. Now, the Cesium community can explore Planet’s imagery. In integrating Cesium with our API, AGI can layer our frequently updated Automated Basemaps on […]