artificial intelligence Blog Posts

Planet Releases Analysis-Ready PlanetScope Product for Time-Series Analysis and Machine Learning Models


Today, we’re thrilled to release Analysis-Ready PlanetScope (ARPS). ARPS harnesses a cutting-edge proprietary algorithm to create harmonized and spatially consistent near-daily stacks of images that enable time-series analysis and machine learning applications. ARPS normalizes data from PlanetScope’s daily 3m imagery by reducing inconsistencies between captures. It then harmonizes that data with temporally […]

Planet Data Leveraged to Understand Agricultural Land and Quickly-changing Environments


We are excited to share the power of Planet satellite imagery with Amazon SageMaker’s geospatial capabilities. Our partnership has the potential to revolutionize agriculture and sustainability insights by combining geospatial data with machine learning and cloud architecture.  In this blog, the application of a crop segmentation model on top of Planet high-frequency […]

Join the #AI4FoodSecurity challenge!


Do you have experience with Artificial Intelligence or Earth Observation? Are you interested in tackling one of the largest challenges humanity must face this decade and win some exciting prizes whilst doing so? Then join our #AI4FoodSecurity Challenge! Agriculture is a key sector, crucial for economic growth and the health of the […]

Planet Data Enables Climate Transparency Through New Partnership with Climate TRACE


The transition to a low-carbon, climate-positive future will require innovation in almost every sector of the global economy, from energy, transport and agriculture to cities, finance, and land use. Achieving this transition will require independent, timely assessment of climate emissions, to guide policy and ensure industries, governments and organizations are held accountable […]

Working Toward Planetary Scale Location Insights


Recent innovations in agile aerospace have created unique offerings in high cadence satellite imagery. While this is of immense interest to imagery analysts, a significant portion of GIS professionals and geo-data scientists work less with raster data (AKA imagery) and more with point and vector data. Planet operates the world’s largest constellation […]

Monitoring Wildfire Risk Using Space and AI


Planet, Salo Sciences, and Vibrant Planet are announcing a partnership to develop the California Forest Observatory (CFO)—a new platform that will dynamically map forest structure and fuel loads down to the tree level, statewide. Combining satellite imagery and artificial intelligence (AI), along with weather, climate, population, and infrastructure data, and supported through […]