Forest and Fields, July 18, 2016

civil government Blog Posts

Planet Builds Business in State and Local Government Sector


Every year, Planet data is utilized by state and local governments to track environmental change, support regional enforcement efforts, and make informed decisions. We were thrilled to see new partnerships with local governmental entities begin in 2021, including the State of Alaska and the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources.  Through their 7-month […]

Planet’s Rapid SkySat Data Enables Effective Regional Bushfire Management in Australia


Civil governments around the world are making sustainable strides in local environmental management; and by using satellite-enabled data, they are able to analyze and support preventative management techniques to protect local communities and ecosystems. For example, Forest Fire Management Victoria, a governmental organization located in Victoria, Australia, leverages high-resolution tasking capabilities from […]

Planet Exceeds Business Targets, Advancing Through 2020 with Momentum


Like all of us, Planet has experienced significant change in 2020. We’re working from home, we’re schooling our children, business travel has stopped, health and safety is a top concern, and we’re facing the most severe recession in 100 years. We’ve made changes to our business, but remain focused on our mission […]

Civil Government Expands Investment in High Frequency Satellite Imagery


Effective governance requires good data. Local governments are spending billions to upgrade their technology infrastructure, ranging from smart cities initiatives to data migration to the cloud. At the same time, budgets are constrained and expenditures need to be justified by demonstrating clear value. Planet satellite imagery is proving to be a cost-effective […]