Boulder, July 13, 2016

cubesat Blog Posts

B14: The Cubesat with One of the World’s Fastest Satellite Radios


Agile aerospace supports rapid prototyping, continuous iteration, and adaptation of the latest commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology—and our Build 14 Dove (B14) is agile aerospace at its finest. What’s under the hood? We’ve had more than a few inquiries and want to share some of the latest updates. Planet’s Build 14 Dove includes the […]

Planet Releases OpenLST, an Open Radio Solution


To encourage innovation in radio communication, Planet is releasing OpenLST, an open radio solution for communicating with remote instruments, vehicles, and stations using low-cost commercial components. OpenLST builds on experience gained from Planet’s UHF radio, which has been successfully integrated and used on over 200 satellites in space. Using this radio, Planet […]