Durban, July 7, 2016

Farmers Edge Blog Posts

Planet and Farmers Edge Agree to New Contract to Power Sustainable and Profitable Farming


We’re thrilled to announce that Planet has signed a new, three-year, non-exclusive contract with Farmers Edge, a valued customer since 2017. Through this partnership, Farmers Edge will process Planet’s satellite data with its proprietary algorithms, integrate it into other field-centric datasets, then distribute to thousands of customers and partners in the agriculture […]

Planet Releases Boundless Staccato and Stratus Under Open Source License


Planet acquired St. Louis-based geospatial software solutions company Boundless earlier this year, and today we are excited to announce that we are open-sourcing two key Boundless code bases, freeing the projects to evolve with their communities. The first of these is Staccato, a Java-based catalog that implements the SpatioTemporal Asset  Catalog (STAC) […]

Planet and Farmers Edge Redefine Precision Ag with Landmark Agriculture Deal


For years, Farmers Edge has been a valued customer and partner, distributing RapidEye and PlanetScope imagery through their precision ag software suite. Today, we’re proud to announce that we’ve strengthened our ties to Farmers Edge, entering into a strategic distribution deal with the leading agricultural insights provider.    Planet and Farmers Edge, […]