Durban, July 7, 2016

farmshots Blog Posts

Planet and FarmShots Team Up to Deliver Advanced Pasture Management Solution


Planet has again partnered with FarmShots to power a next-generation agriculture solution for Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC). LIC’s Satellite Pasture and Cover Evaluation (SPACE™) service uses daily satellite imagery from Planet and field analysis software from FarmShots to measure pastures. We are very excited to collaborate with Farmshots on this innovative approach […]

On-demand Webinar: Smarter Farming With Planet and Farmshots


Farmers across the world are using information derived from satellite imagery to get ahead of problems in the field. Planet’s pleased to announce that we’re teaming up with our partner, Farmshots, to host a webinar detailing how frequent satellite imagery and precision agriculture software can boost farm efficiency and output through the […]