iss Blog Posts

Rocket Launch Trends Roaring into the 2020s


It’s never been easier to launch satellites into space, and things are only getting better for satellite operators. A multitude of launch vehicles and orbits are available to satellite missions ranging from Kickstarter-funded garage efforts to serious commercial endeavours. Today, we’re recapping some of the most important launch trends of the last […]

Watching a Satellite Deploy


As a member on the Planet People Team, it’s not lost on me how unique a workplace Planet is. One of the most exciting experiences that my colleagues and I at Planet share is watching satellite deployments. We use the International Space Station as a test bed for our newest demonstration satellites. […]

Final 8 Flock 2e’ Doves Deploy from ISS


It’s a busy week for Planet Mission Control—the final eight Flock 2e’ Doves have deployed into orbit from the International Space Station. These Doves originally launched to the Space Station aboard an Atlas V back in March, 2016 and are eager to stretch their wings. Nanoracks sent us these shots of the […]