San Francisco, October 22, 2015

latin america Blog Posts

De Inundações a Incêndios: Como a América Latina Está Enfrentando Desastres com Tecnologia


Note: This piece can also be read in English and Spanish. As mudanças climáticas estão intensificando os desastres naturais na América Central e na América do Sul, desde incêndios florestais devastadores até inundações e deslizamentos de terra. Segundo o Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC), a frequência e a intensidade dos eventos […]

De las inundaciones a los incendios: cómo América Latina enfrenta los desastres con tecnología


Note: This piece can also be read in English and Portuguese. El cambio climático está intensificando los desastres naturales en Centro y Suramérica, desde feroces incendios forestales hasta devastadoras inundaciones y deslizamientos de tierra. Según el Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climático (IPCC), la frecuencia e intensidad de los eventos meteorológicos extremos en […]

What if Latin America Built a Shared Satellite Data Center?


Click here to read this post in Portuguese or Spanish. Thoughts on What’s Ahead for Earth Observation in Latin America A conversation with Ricardo Guerra  Sit down with Ricardo Guerra, Planet’s Regional Sales Director for Latin America, for five minutes and the concept of “collaboration” is bound to come up. Some days, […]

Planet-AMAGGI Partnership to bring even more innovation to Brazilian Agriculture


To read this piece in Portuguese, view this page. The digital revolution is transforming agriculture around the world, and Planet’s daily earth imaging is helping the industry gain precise data for informed decision-making. This month, we are thrilled to announce our newest agriculture customer, AMAGGI, a large Brazilian-based commodities company, specializing in […]