StoriesStoriesIHME, Microsoft, and Planet Collaborate to Map Climate-Vulnerable Populations In Unprecedented DetailAndrew Zolli |February 28, 2024|5 min readRead more
TechTechHow Fathom Leverages Frequent Satellite Imagery for Dynamic Flood MapsBrittany Zajic |May 22, 2019|4 min readRead more
NewsNewsThis atlas wants to map every solar and wind source in your countryMegan Zaroda |September 22, 2022|4 min readRead more
TechTechQueryable Earth: combining satellite imagery and next-gen AIKevin Weil |April 12, 2023|5 min readRead more
NewsNewsNICFI Satellite Data Program Extended to Include Recipients of the GEO-Microsoft Planetary Computer Grants ProgramTara O'Shea |September 27, 2021|2 min readRead more