Auckland, June 6, 2016

planet labs Blog Posts

PSAI: Transforming Global Monitoring with Planet Data


In an ever-evolving world, understanding behavioral and environmental patterns on a global scale is essential for making informed decisions. PSAI is at the forefront of this transformation, leveraging advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and satellite imagery to provide real-time insights that drive meaningful change in national security, human rights, and environmental conservation. Revolutionizing […]

Hala Systems and Planet: A Partnership for Civilian Protection


In conflict zones around the world, the protection of civilians and assets is a critical challenge. Hala Systems, a technology company specializing in innovative solutions for early warning and civilian protection, is at the forefront of addressing this issue.  Hala Systems, with the support of Planet imagery, is creating a resilient, data-informed […]

De Inundações a Incêndios: Como a América Latina Está Enfrentando Desastres com Tecnologia


Note: This piece can also be read in English and Spanish. As mudanças climáticas estão intensificando os desastres naturais na América Central e na América do Sul, desde incêndios florestais devastadores até inundações e deslizamentos de terra. Segundo o Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC), a frequência e a intensidade dos eventos […]

De las inundaciones a los incendios: cómo América Latina enfrenta los desastres con tecnología


Note: This piece can also be read in English and Portuguese. El cambio climático está intensificando los desastres naturales en Centro y Suramérica, desde feroces incendios forestales hasta devastadoras inundaciones y deslizamientos de tierra. Según el Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climático (IPCC), la frecuencia e intensidad de los eventos meteorológicos extremos en […]

Planet Releases Analysis-Ready PlanetScope Product for Time-Series Analysis and Machine Learning Models


Today, we’re thrilled to release Analysis-Ready PlanetScope (ARPS). ARPS harnesses a cutting-edge proprietary algorithm to create harmonized and spatially consistent near-daily stacks of images that enable time-series analysis and machine learning applications. ARPS normalizes data from PlanetScope’s daily 3m imagery by reducing inconsistencies between captures. It then harmonizes that data with temporally […]

Impact Observatory Leverages Planet Data and AI to Deliver Insights to U.S. Local and National Government


Traditionally, identifying patterns of change on land has been expensive, complex, and labor-intensive, making it difficult to scale to the vast amount of available satellite imagery. To address this challenge, Planet partner Impact Observatory has developed AI-powered geospatial monitoring tools that help decision-makers understand risks and anticipate changes at unprecedented speed and […]

Carbon Mapper Releases First Emissions Detections from the Tanager-1 Satellite


Tanager-1 is made possible by the Carbon Mapper Coalition, a philanthropically-funded effort to develop and deploy satellites designed to detect and track methane and CO2 super-emitters at a level of granularity needed to support direct mitigation action. Tanager-1 combines Planet’s cutting-edge agile aerospace and smallsat bus technology with the state-of-the-art imaging spectrometer design […]

NEO and Planet: Revolutionizing Agricultural Monitoring in the EU


The European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is a critical framework designed to support and improve the agricultural sector across member states. However, the CAP’s requirements pose significant challenges, particularly in the area of remote sensing-based Area Monitoring Systems (AMS). Netherlands Geomatics & Earth Observation B.V. (NEO), a Planet partner, is addressing […]