Durban, July 7, 2016

planet labs Blog Posts

Diversity and Inclusion at Planet – Action and Transparency


A few weeks ago, I attended a roundtable with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hosted by Marc Benioff, with other Silicon Valley business leaders, on the topics of diversity and equality. What brought us together was the conviction that there needs to be more cross-industry discussion and that everyone benefits when there […]

Introducing Planet Publications


In April, 2017, Planet launched its Education and Research Program, which enables scientists and researchers at universities to apply for non-commercial access to up to 10,000 km2 of data per month. In less than a year, more than 1,400 scientists and researchers across more than 70 countries have come onboard, leveraging Planet’s […]

Five Takeaways from Europe’s Earth Observation Revolution


Last week, top leaders in the European space community from public and private organizations gathered at Planet’s Berlin office to discuss the new space landscape in Europe. Over the past two decades, Europe has established itself as a leader in space, dominated by heavy investment from the government. The strong role of […]

How Planet Built a Cloud Native Geospatial Architecture


Planet’s mission from the beginning was to disrupt space. But the rise of cloud computing in Silicon Valley six years ago gave us another opportunity on the data side: to build our whole ground segment in a cloud native manner. Everything Planet has built – from the ground stations and our data […]

Analysis-ready Mosaics: Introducing Surface Reflectance Basemaps


In a previous post, Alan introduced our Surface Reflectance imagery, an exciting product that delivers an accurate picture of what’s happening on the ground. By accounting for the effects of the atmosphere, sensor characteristics, and incident solar radiation, we aim to provide as near as possible to true reflectance of the Earth’s […]

Anatomy of a Catastrophe


Planet’s daily monitoring of Hurricane Harvey shows how frequent data can help governments, insurers, and first responders direct emergency relief efforts and better prepare for natural disasters in the future. View our complete Insight: Anatomy of a Catastrophe, to see how Planet’s imagery was used to assess Harvey’s impact on Houston.

Tracking Harvey, the Once-in-a-Millennium Storm


Hurricane Harvey may have faded from view, but we’re just beginning to understand how historic it really was. A new report from the National Hurricane Center, concludes that Harvey broke the record for the most rainfall from a tropical system – 50+ inches – and ranks as the second costliest storm in the […]

Rocketing into 2018


As we begin the new year, I wanted to reflect on our 2017 milestones and our vector going into 2018. Last year was definitely an exciting year at Planet. The five highlights from my perspective were: Launching 146 satellites, including the record-breaking 88 Doves on a single rocket & 6 more SkySats, […]

Rocket Lab Successfully Carries Dove Pioneer to Orbit


On January 21, 2018 at 1:43 AM UTC, Rocket Lab’s Electron launch vehicle lifted off from Launch Complex 1 on the Mahia Peninsula in New Zealand and successfully deployed Dove Pioneer into an orbit of 300 x 500 km, 83 degree inclination.   Rocket Lab Electron flight ‘Still Testing’ Lift Off. Image: […]

Flock 3p’ Successfully Launches on ISRO’s PSLV C-40 Rocket


Four Dove satellites – our Flock 3p’ – have successfully launched on ISRO’s PSLV C-40 rocket. The satellites were deployed into an approximately 500 km Sun Synchronous Orbit (SSO) and are currently speeding around the Earth at 7.5 km/second. We are happy to report that our Mission Control team has made contact […]