Manhatten, July 15, 2016

planet labs Blog Posts

An Insider’s Look at a Record-Breaking Launch


In February, we launched the 88 satellites of Flock 3p into space—the largest constellation of satellites to ever launch on a single rocket. On launch night, we invited our friends, family, and loved ones to watch a livestream of the record-breaking launch along with us. Take a look inside Planet’s San Francisco […]

Experimenting with the Deep Data Stack: Ship Counting


Planet is all about scale. Our satellites are small but numerous, the scale of our pixels ranges from 3 to 5 meters, and we’ve built some seriously scalable infrastructure to put 150 million square kilometers of imagery on the web every day. Mission accomplished, right?! Turns out you need good tools to […]

Automating Change Detection with Exogenesis


Planet’s bringing down terabytes of imagery every day. With an archive this large, spotting change needs to be fast and accurate. Conducting manual analysis can provide reliable results, but requires tedious and time-intensive image interpretation. To produce change insights at speed and scale, automation is needed. But what constitutes change? Any two […]

Planet offers broader data access to the academic community


Through our Ambassador’s Program, Planet has granted data to about 150 researchers…and what they’ve developed has blown us away. But we think that there’s more to be discovered. Today, we’re thrilled to announce a new offering for researchers at accredited universities across the globe: Planet’s Education and Research Program. Now, any college […]

Forest Recognition: Planet Launches Kaggle Competition


The amount of data is growing exponentially. The amount of labeled, clean data is not. Every advance in machine learning is built upon a well-labeled dataset. Technology companies all over the world use the ImageNet library to train computer vision and machine learning algorithms; and modern facial recognition technology was built on […]

Terra Bella Officially Joins Planet


I’m pleased to share today that Planet’s agreement to acquire Terra Bella from Google has officially closed, having received regulatory approval. We’re excited to officially welcome the Terra Bella team to Planet, and integrate the SkySat constellation and imagery into our business. We’re eager to add high resolution data to our products […]

Web Service Basemaps: Easy, Accessible and Timely


With our recent, launch of 88 Flock 3p satellites, we’re on the cusp of bringing down terabytes of imagery data a day. The next big challenge is to make that data accessible—to make it usable and consumable on the web. One of the easiest ways to consume our data is via a […]

Integrating for Insights—The GeoSoLoMo Revolution


The phones in our pockets, drones in the air, satellites in space…what do they all have in common? They’re all distributed sensor networks—collecting streams of data about our daily lives, our businesses and our planet. We here at Planet have often said our satellite imagery, while insight-rich, will only reach its full […]

Adding a Time Axis to Maps—Introducing Planet Explorer Beta


Today we’re excited to release Planet Explorer Beta, an online tool that lets users browse geospatial data through time and see change across the globe. In short, Planet has introduced a time axis to maps. Planet operates 149 satellites—the largest fleet in human history—giving us the capacity to collect a new image […]

Our Data From Space Lives in Google Cloud


As our constellation in space grows, we’ve been preparing down here on Earth for a deluge of imagery. While it is a huge accomplishment for us to have gotten our sats into space and taking lots of pictures, that is only half the job. Fully realizing our “Mission 1” means preparing for […]