Auckland, June 6, 2016

Planet Platform Blog Posts

Q&A with Amy Truong—Engineering Leader


If you’re attending the Grace Hopper Conference this year, don’t miss two talks from Amy Truong, Planet’s Director of Software Engineering. Our software team has been one of the fastest growing teams at Planet this year; and Amy has overseen its transition from startup-sized developer squad to growth-stage engineering organization. At Planet, […]

Python Client Now Supports Planet Data API


Good news for developers: new versions of our Python and JavaScript clients are now available for use! Both have been upgraded to support Planet’s Data API—the API on which we built Planet Explorer and through which we serve PlanetScope, RapidEye, Landsat8, and Sentinel-2 data. In providing these two projects, we want to […]

Experimenting with the Deep Data Stack: Ship Counting


Planet is all about scale. Our satellites are small but numerous, the scale of our pixels ranges from 3 to 5 meters, and we’ve built some seriously scalable infrastructure to put 150 million square kilometers of imagery on the web every day. Mission accomplished, right?! Turns out you need good tools to […]

Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 Data Now Available on the Planet Platform


We are pleased to announce the integration of Landsat 8 and Copernicus Sentinel-2 data into our data pipeline and software platform. As of today, researchers, developers, and commercial users can access four unique satellite imagery datasets through the Planet Platform: PlanetScope: RGB and NIR bands (3.7m spatial resolution), captured by Planet’s Dove […]