San Francisco, October 22, 2015

precision ag Blog Posts

USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service to use Planet Basemaps to Support their 2021 Growing Season Assessment


Planet Federal, a wholly owned subsidiary of Planet Labs Inc., a leading provider of daily data and insights about Earth, has inked a deal with the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) to integrate Planet Basemaps into NASS’s robust data collection and analysis processes. With Planet data, […]

Arva and Planet Partner to Provide Scalable Prediction for Agricultural Field Performance


The agriculture sector is continuously evolving and transforming to support the growing population. Advances in technology, including the adoption of satellite data, robotics, and drones have rapidly expanded the scale and speed of production leading to yet another agriculture revolution, at the heart of which lies data and artificial intelligence (AI). Planet has partnered […]

Planet Joins New Coalition to Decarbonize Europe’s Food System


To read the release in full, click here. Planet has joined the newly formed European Carbon+ Farming Coalition to accelerate progress toward European Green Deal carbon neutrality goals. Through this partnership, organizations and stakeholders representing every step of the food value chain will come together to decarbonize the European food system, while maximizing […]

On-demand Webinar: Smarter Farming With Planet and Farmshots


Farmers across the world are using information derived from satellite imagery to get ahead of problems in the field. Planet’s pleased to announce that we’re teaming up with our partner, Farmshots, to host a webinar detailing how frequent satellite imagery and precision agriculture software can boost farm efficiency and output through the […]