San Francisco, October 22, 2015

research Blog Posts

Como a UNICAMP, uma das principais universidades da América Latina, está usando imagens de satélite para monitorar sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária no Brasil


To read this piece in English, view this page. Segundo a FAO, cerca de 38% da superfície terrestre é ocupada por áreas cultiváveis, um terço por áreas agrícolas e os dois terços restantes como campos e pastagens. No Brasil, a pastagem é o principal uso da terra, ocupando grande parte do território […]

How UNICAMP, One of the Top Universities in Latin America is Using Satellite Imagery to Monitor Integrated Crop–Livestock Systems in Brazil


To read this piece in Portuguese, view this page. According to the FAO, about 38% of the earth’s surface is occupied by agricultural areas, one-third as cropland, and the remaining two-thirds as meadows and pastures. In Brazil, pasture is the main land use, occupying a large part of the territory from north […]

Introducing Planet Publications


In April, 2017, Planet launched its Education and Research Program, which enables scientists and researchers at universities to apply for non-commercial access to up to 10,000 km2 of data per month. In less than a year, more than 1,400 scientists and researchers across more than 70 countries have come onboard, leveraging Planet’s […]