San Francisco, October 22, 2015

satellite imagery Blog Posts

Bloomberg Philanthropies Commits $25M to Accelerate Satellite Technologies That Pinpoint Methane Emitters to Turbocharge Fight Against Climate Change


New funding builds on unique partnership to tackle potent methane emissions between Bloomberg Philanthropies, Carbon Mapper, Planet, the State of California, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the University of Arizona, Arizona State University (ASU), High Tide Foundation, and RMI  Investment will monitor, report, and verify collective climate actions in support of the Global […]

Planet’s Rapid SkySat Data Enables Effective Regional Bushfire Management in Australia


Civil governments around the world are making sustainable strides in local environmental management; and by using satellite-enabled data, they are able to analyze and support preventative management techniques to protect local communities and ecosystems. For example, Forest Fire Management Victoria, a governmental organization located in Victoria, Australia, leverages high-resolution tasking capabilities from […]

NICFI Satellite Data Program Extended to Include Recipients of the GEO-Microsoft Planetary Computer Grants Program


In an effort to advance scientific research, development, and discovery from the NICFI Satellite Data Program, Planet has teamed up with Microsoft to make high-resolution, tropical forest Basemaps available to select researchers within the Planetary Computer platform. The Group on Earth Observations (GEO), in partnership with Microsoft, today announced a Request for […]

Planet Data Enables Climate Transparency Through New Partnership with Climate TRACE


The transition to a low-carbon, climate-positive future will require innovation in almost every sector of the global economy, from energy, transport and agriculture to cities, finance, and land use. Achieving this transition will require independent, timely assessment of climate emissions, to guide policy and ensure industries, governments and organizations are held accountable […]

Self-Guided Learning Opportunities For Hispanic Heritage Month


In 2021, Hispanic Heritage Month begins on September 15 and ends October 15, as it has every year since 1989. It’s split across two months because September 15 is a key date in the history of several Latin American countries: It’s when Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua declared their […]