Industrial Infrastructure, July 5, 2016

Stanford University Blog Posts

Laura Malinasky on Becoming Planet’s Head of Legal and People


This is the first installment in the Stellar Minds series, where Planet employees are profiled and their accomplishments are highlighted. Keep checking the blog for upcoming features on remarkable people working in the aerospace industry today. Laura Malinasky, Planet’s chief legal and people officer, has had quite a career—having spent more than […]

The Countdown to Planet’s Explore 19 Conference is On


We’re five weeks away from Explore 19, our first-ever user conference taking place at Mission Bay Conference Center in San Francisco on October 15th and 16th. Our goal is to bring our vibrant community of customers, partners, end users, developers and thought leaders together to share knowledge and network through a combination […]

Stanford Students Can Now Harness The Power of Planet’s Satellite Data


Planet has partnered with Stanford University, providing students with subscription access to Planet’s data and satellite imagery. Stanford will now be able to use Planet’s Dove and RapidEye imagery for non-commercial research and classroom activities across a variety of disciplines. With Planet’s data and tools, the students can access a vast array […]

Planet Partners with 2nd Annual Women in Data Science Datathon, Building Awareness and Solutions in Deforestation


In partnership with Women in Data Science (WiDS), the West Big Data Innovation Hub, and Figure Eight, Planet is bringing its unique dataset to a competition that challenges participants to use data science to build awareness and solutions for tropical deforestation and palm oil production. The competition, launching today on Kaggle, comes […]