
Minimize Risk With Broad Area  Management

Improve underwriting and streamline loss adjustment with the ability to monitor, measure, and report on assets across space and time.

Insurance companies around the globe unlock insights, mitigate risk, and save money with Planet.

Accessible, Reliable, Real-Time Coverage Over Any Area of Interest on  Earth

Planet delivers daily analysis-ready data and world-class tools to help insurance companies scale and enhance insights across broad areas, develop advanced predictive modeling capabilities, and drive more efficient analysis.


Disaster Preparedness

Improve hazard models, optimize inspection labor, and monitor changes on the ground.

Disaster Response

Rapidly assess infrastructure and crop damage to allocate resources quickly.

Drought Monitoring

Validate moisture levels across crops and other terrain, to monitor drought hotspots for wildfire risk.

Wildfire and Flood Risk Assessment

Identify high-risk properties and improve the accuracy of models to inform and monitor mitigation programs.

Crop Loss Adjustment and Yield Prediction

Streamline the analysis of crop production, land use, and environmental impact.

Infrastructure and Urban Planning

Detect new road and building construction, and monitor climate risks to new developments.

Learn how to reduce risk using multidimensional Earth insights in our e-book, Planet Solutions for Disaster Management in Insurance.

Read Our E-book

What makes Planet unique for us is the revisit rate with PlanetScope ... when an event has happened, often with no warning, we know that that data has been captured.

Louise Jones

Head of Intelligence at McKenzie Intelligence Services


Always-On Monitoring

A near-daily scan over Earth’s landmass and strategic waterways to increase observability and improve underwriting.

Living Archive

7+ year daily archive to observe change backward in time to compare pre/post-event imagery.

Accurate Measurement

Science-based tools to quantify the impacts of events and support accurate loss adjustment.

Automation and Alerting

Automated change detection and alerts to identify unexpected events across broad areas.

Rapid Revisit

High-resolution satellites can revisit any location on Earth 5-7x per day, the highest frequency commercially available.


Revolutionizing Agriculture Insurance With Satellite Data

Industry leaders from Swiss Re, Suyana, AXA Climate, GreenTriangle, and Planet share how satellite data will shape agriculture insurance in 2025. Key topics include:
  • Insights from the 2024 growing season
  • New capabilities to track flood, hail, and wind damage
  • Innovative strategies to improve claims, loss adjustment, and underwriting accuracy