Learn how satellite technology can be used to address illegal logging and help ensure compliance with regulations. Illegal logging presents a major global environmental challenge. This unlawful activity contributes significantly to deforestation, biodiversity loss, and climate change. Since forestry crime…...
Monitoring the pulse of our planet with daily news and imagery, stories, and tech updates.
This year was transformative for the space industry. We saw meteoric growth in the number of rocket launches, Earth imaging satellites capturing photos of our planet in unbelievable detail, awe-inspiring new datasets expanding our knowledge of Earth from space, and…
CONTINUE READINGPelican-2 Is Equipped with the NVIDIA Jetson Platform and NASA CSP Satellite-to-Satellite Communications to Speed Data Delivery for Customers SAN FRANCISCO, December 9, 2024—Planet Labs PBC (NYSE:PL), a leading provider of daily Earth data and insights, today announced that its…
CONTINUE READINGLearn how Planet satellite imagery allows agencies to identify and track land use changes at scale. Governments worldwide face the daunting task of tracking land use changes, such as sprawling urban development, shifts in agricultural practices, and criminal misuse of…
CONTINUE READINGWith the recent Open California data release, available under an open, CC BY-SA 4.0 license, you can now access the RapidEye California imagery archive—in addition to recent PlanetScope imagery—easily through the Planet API. Building on our recent acquisition of Blackbridge, we’re excited to bring this dataset into the Planet Platform, and making […]
CONTINUE READINGAt Planet Labs, we believe that broad coverage frequent imagery of the Earth can be a significant tool to address some of the world’s challenges. But this can only happen if we democratise access to it. Put another way, we have to make data easy to access, use, and buy. That’s why […]
CONTINUE READINGI’m on Planet’s Mission Operations team. It’s my job to monitor new satellites as they’re deployed, prepare them for everyday imaging, oversee their on-orbit operations, and fix problems as they occur. My team has been pretty busy lately. Last week, a dozen Flock 2b satellites deployed from the International Space Station (ISS). […]
CONTINUE READINGSeventeen Sustainable Development Goals (or Global Goals) ratified last week by the United Nations will guide the international community towards a better planet over the next fifteen years. I traveled to the United Nations Headquarters in New York to represent Planet Labs at the UN Sustainable Development Summit. I discussed how our […]
CONTINUE READINGAt Planet Labs, our “Mission 1” is to image the whole Earth, every day and make global change visible, accessible, and actionable. To do that, we’re developing a breakthrough technology platform: a large constellation of small, Earth-observing satellites, ground stations and related software and services that will, in the years to come, […]