Auckland, June 6, 2016

Tagged by: amazon

Detecting Gold Mining Impacts on Insect Biodiversity in a Tropical Mining Frontier with PlanetScope Imagery


The Amazon rainforest is faced with daily forest loss and degradation, harming local biodiverse ecosystems. This study from Conservation International, Boise State University, and the University of Guyana, demonstrates how scientists can monitor the drivers of this deforestation, including gold mining, with PlanetScope imagery. By capturing satellite images of remote locations near […]

Estimating River Flow with PlanetScope Data


Past studies have explored the use of flowing ice debris to estimate stream velocity with Planet data. However, tropical rivers pose a distinct challenge, due to high cloud cover and turbidity. Adriano Junqueira, of São Paulo State University, led a team to deploy a novel approach in the Araguaia River watershed in […]