San Francisco, October 22, 2015

Tagged by: Sensor Fusion

Tropical and Temperate Forest Phenology Revealed by Planet Imagery


A team of researchers led by Professor Jin Wu, at the University of Hong Kong, has been studying tropical and temperate forest phenology—the rhythms and periods of life. Aided by the high revisit rate of Dove satellites, Jing Wang and team detected dry season vegetation patterns in the Amazon: many tropical trees […]

Daily, High-resolution Leaf Area Index from Sensor Fusion with Planet, Landsat and MODIS


Classic remote sensing for agricultural relies heavily on indices like NDVI (Normalized Differential Vegetation Index), which uses information from the red and near-infrared portions of the spectrum to provide an indicator of vegetation greenness and vitality. However, other indices, often implicating other parts of the spectrum, may provided added and actionable information […]