Durban, July 7, 2016

Tagged by: Smallholder Agriculture

PlanetScope Time-series Used to Understand Vegetation Phenology


Change in vegetation color, chemistry and metabolic activity is one of the most striking signals of life in our biosphere. Satellite imagery plays an important role in effectively retrieving and mapping these vegetation changes over time—also called phenology. The rapid revisit period of the PlanetScope cubesat constellation provides researchers with a unique […]

Mapping Winter Cropped Area of Smallholder Farms


Fine-scale agricultural statistics are important tools for understanding trends in food production, especially in smallholder systems where heterogeneity in production is common. Satellite data is a key component to collecting these statistics for smallholder systems, though not without challenges such as complex sub-pixel heterogeneity, little to no available calibration data, and high […]

Crop Yield Variations in Smallholder African Systems


Improving the productivity of smallholder farms is thought to be a key component of the effort to reduce global poverty and increase food security, yet the productivity of smallholder farms remains poorly measured around the world. Using SkySat imagery validated against two years of field data, new research shows that satellite imagery […]